Brandy Gheesling, MD, FAAP, NABBLM-C, IBCLC

Pediatrician, Savannah, GA


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Dr. Brandy Gheesling knew from the time she was a little girl that she wanted to be a pediatrician. She began her training with her undergraduate degree at Augusta State University with a BS in Biology & Computer Science. She went on to earn her medical degree from Mercer University School of Medicine and completed her pediatric internship and residency at the Medical College of Georgia.

She is board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics and is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Medical College of Georgia and Mercer University. She is on staff at both Memorial University Medical Center and St Josephs/Candler hospitals.

Having breastfed all three of her children, Dr. Gheesling has a great passion for breastfeeding and in 2018 she became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) so she could be better equipped to help her patients and their parents with breastfeeding. She continued her training to become one of the few physicians in the country to be board certified in Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine. She is also a member of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine and is an AAP Breastfeeding Friendly Pediatrician.

She is active in the Georgia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics where she is currently serving her second term as District XIII representative and is co-chair of the Breastfeeding Committee. She is chair of the Breastfeeding Friendly Pediatrician Committee and serves on the EPIC Breastfeeding Committee which both work to further the breastfeeding education of pediatricians in the state. Dr Gheesling is also a graduate of the 2021 Leadership Savannah class.

She is married to her husband Brian and they have three children. They also have a Goldendoodle and a Persian cat. They enjoy traveling the world and have been to all 7 continents. Her boys play soccer and her daughter is a competitive cheerleader so they a also spend a lot time on the soccer fields or at the cheer gym.

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    Michael De Mauro, MD, FAAPDiane Savage-Pedigo, MD, FAAPPaul Nave, MD, FAAPBen Spitalnick, MD, MBA, FAAPJ. Steven Hobby, MD, CPC, FAAPAdria Wilkes, MD, FAAPChintak Patel, MD, FAAPBrandy Gheesling, MD, FAAPChristopher Rogers, MD, FAAPCarly Ryan, MD, FAAPNO PREFERENCE

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